"car tires all season" の検索結果 191 件

  1. おでこ


    しまった〜!制作に集中しすぎて途中の写真撮りわすれましたっ。ごめんなさい、いきなり完成です。(^-^)I forgot taking a photo about the last process.This is the goal. All steps counted 21.いちおう工程を書いておきますと。背景にボカシが2版、葉っぱに黒1版、メジロにボカシで4版、花の中央に1版、そしておしべに...

  2. 菜〜ばす。


    本摺りに入るまえは、いつもキンチョーします。これまで試し刷りをくり返してきたことがいよいよ結実すると思うと、プレッシャーで身が引きしまるカンジです。I'm always nervous when I start printing for edition.All of the printing process will take 2or3 weeks from now.I'...

  3. はじまります。


    本日、作品を運び込みました〜。先に送っておいた3箱と、車に積んでいった5箱をほどいてとりあえず並べてみる…の図。なんとか壁面が埋まってホッとひと息。preparing my exhibitionI had carried a lot into the gallery. I felt relief all space had occupied.あすから21日までの6日間。丸善・名古屋本店6階ギ...

  4. ため息をつきながら


    いったい何枚あるのぉ〜〜。っと、たびたび「ため息をつきながら」カタチを取り直しました。画面の向こう側に、さらにこれと同じぐらいあります。too many flowers to make it up as a woodblock print by the blossom season.これをもう一度トレーシングフィルムに写し替えて、さらにこれを版木に写してから彫っていきます。色ごとに何枚も。。...

  5. ザン・ショ


    木版画で年賀状なんて、もうずいぶん昔の話・・・って思われる方がほとんどでしょうけど私たちのまわりではまだまだ現役です。そして、暑中見舞いもいっぱい届きます。You may say it's an old story. We still have been exchanging the season's greetings that printed by woodblock...

  6. Different Types of High Quality Coil Equipment

    Different Types of High Quality Coil Equipment

    In the present time financial specialists are on a consistent search for approaches to limit their overhead consumption by utilize the accessible assets. Remembering this, there are an entire scope...

  7. MSD Ignition: The Reasons for High Demand

    MSD Ignition: The Reasons for High Demand

    Present day start frameworks regularly utilize a merchant as its primary segment. Other significant parts of the framework incorporate sparkle plugs, plug wires and the start curl. The wires are es...

  8. The main source of car noise

    The main source of car noise

    When a car is driving, noise will affect driving. In severe cases, it may even make people irritable, reduce concentration, and affect safety. In the face of noise from different sources, the Car A...

  9. Some necessary characteristics of harness tape

    Some necessary characteristics of harness tape

    1. Wear resistance performance: The rough surface and sharp edges of the wire harness may cut the tape, causing the wire harness to lose its insulation protection, binding and fixing, sealing and o...

  10. The importance of high temperature resistance

    The importance of high temperature resistance

    Cloth tape is abbreviated as PET tape. Commonly used cloth tape has the following types: fiber cloth tape, polyester cloth tape, wool polyester cloth tape, flannel tape, felt tape, electrical insul...

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